Rachels Deception

Rachel's Deception (Temptation, #4)                   
 Rachels deception
Author: Karen Ann Hopkins
Published: May 8th 2015

Summary: Growing up Amish is difficult…but leaving it behind is even harder.

Noah was Amish...Rose wasn't. Being together should have been impossible. But somehow they found a way to make it work. They are finally a family, but their happily-ever-after is still a long off. Will Rose and her friends be able to force real change in the community?

Karen Ann Hopkins returns with a gripping new book in the YA Temptation series. The powerful family saga continues with Rachel's Deception, as events spiral out of control in the sleepy farming community of Meadowview. And Rachel Miller has her own secrets to hide. Noah’s younger sister has been living a double life. That is, until Justin Cameron, Rose's little brother, catches her in the act. Rachel is not the obedient Amish girl that her sister was, and her rebelliousness takes her to a very dangerous world. A world that only her true friends can help her escape from.

As Rachel questions all she has been taught about love, family, and commitment, Rose discovers what it really means to be shunned. And an evil shadow looms on the horizon, threatening not only Rose, but everyone she holds dear.

My Review:
I have reviewed all three of the first books in the series and I fell in love with everything. The writing, the Amish lifestyle, the storyline and the action that came with and I thought that the 3rd book in the series would be the last one and I got sad knowing there was no more of Rose and Noah's story. There was so much I wanted to know yet. I wished for just a little bit more of there life and when Karen announced that there would be another book I fangirled a little bit.

I couldn't wait to get my hands on a copy of "Rachel's Deception." Even though the fourth one was more about Noah's sister Rachel and Roses sister Justin, I sill couldn't wait.

I started this book as soon as it came in the mail and if I'm being honest, I felt like the beginning went a little slow. For some reason I couldn't stay in the story and my mind wondered to other things and I started putting it down and reading something else. After finishing another series I started off where I left off and finished the last half of the book.

Maybe I was out of my book slump but the second half was definitely more intriguing and help my attention a lot more. So if there's more of you out there thinking that you just cant get through the book, there hope! I wanted to read more and more. There was more action and I loved every part. I was sitting on the edge of my seat biting my nails with suspense.

If you loved the first 3 books in the series. You wont be disappointed with this one. We have a different view on different characters and its a nice change. I'm just wondering...... Will there be another one?

3/5 stars

Read my interview with Karen here .


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